Wednesday, April 16, 2008

CelebritySkank™ Online

CelebritySkank™ Online

Sean Preston Teaches Mummy How to Drive

Posted: 16 Apr 2008 08:29 AM CDT

Just a few days after Britney Spears had a minor car crash (all because she had to put make up on...duh!), her baby boy is teaching her how to drive safely. How sweet, and how thoughtful of Sean Preston.

picture courtesy of The Sun and X17

Beckham's Got Talent!

Posted: 16 Apr 2008 08:23 AM CDT

We all know that Brooklyn B can play footy, and little Cruz can breakdance! That leaves out Romeo Beckham, but it seems he is catching up now... He plays the recorder!

Those 3 boys look like they are triplets, just in 3 different sizes...

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